Premier Disability Law Firm Case Study


Premier Disability Law Firm Case Study


Premier Disability Services, LLC was formed to handle social security disability cases on a national level.  It was important for them to have a software program that focused on social security disability, could integrate with the lead-generating firm they planned to work with and easy to use. They also wanted a program that could be customized to their specific specifications.

“One size fits all” can be a misleading term when it concerns software solutions. While they may offer a variety of features and benefits, customization enables users to get the most out of their investment.  Premier Disability wanted that feature – and with a staff of 30 employees that was poised for growth – the solution had to be easy to expand without requiring a high degree of development and application.


Our Disability Specialist software at the time was a perfect fit and they immediately started with 30 users.  As part of giving them a quick start, the founder of Crocodile Solutions traveled to their site to assist them in getting the software set up and training their initial staff.  A second trip to their site was to assist in training the additional staff that had come on board.

Premier Disability has been a tremendous success and currently has 105 users of our software.  Over those years we have worked closely with them to extensively customize our software to meet their needs.  This is a firm that works on a top-level professional level and offers the same level of service to their clients.  


Social Security



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