Expert Veteran Administration Case Management with Wings®
Giving those that served peace of mind
Veteran Administration claims and appeals process can be daunting for both you and your clients, but not with Wings. Our VA Claims module makes managing and tracking VA cases seamless and easy. Track Veteran claims, appeals, and military records all in one place.
DEMO FREE TRIALVA Cases at a Glance
Secure paperless storage of Veteran data and claims history with Wings. With just one click, you can get the status of your filings, appeals, awards, payments, client intake forms, and more.
Access VA Case Notes Quickly
At every step of the claim and appeals process, your firm will be up-to-date on all details of your VA cases. Your clients will have peace of mind knowing their case is securely handled.
Easily Track Correspondence
No more searching through piles and piles of paperwork or your email inbox to find what you need. With just one click on the Documents List tab, you can view all correspondence related to your cases including appeals, briefs, documents, and more.
Streamline Client Communications
Notify your clients of hearings, appeals, and appointments with our client email templates. Your client case details are pre-populated. Easily send texts, emails, merge documents for mailings, and keep your clients informed of every step via our Client Portal.
DEMO FREE TRIALWe Make It Look Easy. Just Ask Our Clients.
“Since I have been using this software I have found it very helpful. “I give it 5 stars and 18 thumbs up!”
– Disability Advocates of NWNC