Turn Your Case Files Over to the Crocodile!!
Crocodile Solutions is proud to announce our newest features to the Wings program and our work in progress.
A) Wings Email Automation Feature automates the process of sending your clients an email for the key actions in the Filings and Appeals process. All this is done through the Wings software allowing your clients’ timely updates as each of their cases progresses through the appeals process. This feature will ensure consistent contact with your clients and will enhance their experience.
B) Wings Report Wizard Option allows you to track information and results, pertinent to each specific office and/or case. Create unique, custom reports that directly suit your needs.
C) Wings Messaging keeps you and your staff in constant communication while working in the Wings program. This is especially helpful to those firms with staff and attorneys working remotely.
D) Wings teaming up with IM Solutions, at the click of a button we can transfer lead information directly into Wings saving you hours of time re-entering the data manually